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A young boy asked, “What does God look like daddy?” As the father pondered the question he recalled Jesus words: “When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” [John 14:20]. If the life of Christ is truly formed in us, we are one with Jesus so it stands, when you see us you should see God. Consequently, one can be nothing other than like Jesus. Does this not call us to be humanity’s depiction of the Christian life? Would our character and or actions toward others cause a person lacking physical sight to ask, “Are you Jesus? In his humanity Jesus shows us how to live and gives us power to live that way. His words [Matthew 25], “when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” form the question, “Are you Jesus?”

Every person who claims or purports to be a follower of Jesus Christ must ask themselves, “Is my life of such that if one could not see my face they would be convinced I had us? been with Jesus?


ISBN: 978-1-63269-487-4

184 Pages / Softcover / Matte Finish

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