IISBN: 978-1-93526-591-7
172 Pages / Softcover / Matte Finish
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I“The Word of God! What is it? What is its divine purpose? What is the central message of the Bible? The Bible is one of the most highly acclaimed, sought after, loved, and yet, most perplexing book in the entire universe. In an attempt to understand the mystery of God’s divine revelation many come away wondering what the message of the Bible means and how it fits together. Indeed, it can be frustrating pursuing clear answers to life’s difficult questions unless you see how the entire Word of God and life are strongly bound together by an intricate thread. In the Bible we learn that God is beyond human comprehension. He is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (present everywhere). Nonetheless, the Bible declares we are made in God’s image and likeness. In a clear concise way The Crimson Thread of The Bible, reveals that through a constant thread, God’s divine plan is fashioned in eternity and the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to His plan.
IISBN: 978-1-93526-591-7
172 Pages / Softcover / Matte Finish
Kindle Book Download
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