- Can These Bones Live?
This books main character is God. It has one main theme the love of God for His people. It has one principal source the heart of God. Its sole conveyance is a vision birthed in the mind of God. Its foremost recipient is the church, the people of God. Its primary purpose is to manifest God’s Son, Jesus Christ, to bring light and life to people walking in darkness. Therefore, it is about a God who cares so much for His created beings He would do anything and everything to save them, free them, and preserve them.
- Almost Persuaded, Now to believe
The exploration of the tenets of the Christian faith, as presented are clear, concise and cogent as one chapter builds upon another. The reader is invited to persuasively move from theory to life application, using words and concepts that we often use, assuming, mistakenly, that the listener understands. Scripture passages come alive as they are related to concepts like the trinity, creation, the fall, Incarnation, New Creation, deeper life and others.
- The Crimson Thread Of The Bible
A powerful investigation of the mind and heart of God, revealing amazing insights into his determination to carry out his plan to transform and redeem his fallen people. It reveals the constant thread throughout the Bible that tells how God’s Divine plan is fashioned in eternity and how the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has always been central to his plan.
- Who Do You Say I AM?
How can we possibly know God? To truly know God is to have a deeper relationship with him, yet many believers have resigned themselves to simply thinking “God is a mystery” and we must live our lives by blind faith. This book combines powerful testimony and biblical inquiry to uncover a God who was brilliant, creative, challenging, fearless, compassionate, and unchanging. We learn we can attain real knowledge and understanding of the God to whom we have pledged our lives.
- Made For Glory / In the image and likeness of God
A meaningful and insightful exploration of the Bible that relates to God in creation and his continuous dealings in human history. We are motivated to engage on a contemplative journey to discover the heart of the God as well as one’s place in creation. A journey that enables one to discover more intimately the God who through self-revelation not only makes himself known, but invites us to experience him through Jesus Christ who came to be one with us, and whose spirit empowers us to be effective witnesses in this present age.
- On Broken Pieces
Joshua A McClure, author, was compelled by a vision from God to share encouraging words with all who desire release from their prisons of despair, to the land of hope and freedom. He shares 32 years of transforming messages from the Pleasant Street Baptist Church pulpit after frequent encounters with a loving, caring God. The sermons collected within these pages are simple, clear, and personal. It is Joshua’s hope and prayer that God will use these simple words to resurrect the hearts of those who have been waiting and longing for him.
- On Holy Ground
On holy ground is an insightful, powerful portrayal of the sovereign God and his effect on those who respond to his call to be “set apart” to him. McClure emphasizes God’s appeal to his people “to be holy because I am holy” and presents a question: how can we attain to the holiness God wills for us? He states that God’s divine call to holiness is not a physical appeal to a place or station, nor does it have any relation to worldly apparel. There can be no conversation of God unless his name is synonymous with his holiness.
- Are You Jesus?
The title of this book alone presents the relevant question that we all need to ask personally and attempt to answer in a personal way. In a world where people need to see Jesus, so often the only Jesus they will see is through those of us who walk with him. Here, McClure not only gives the most comprehensive, in-depth Bible study on the way to Christ, “a lifelong process of following Jesus Christ,” but also gives practical tips on how to be Christlike in every corner of our lives. At the end, the book gives flesh to the eternal mystery of Galatians 2:20, which says, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”
- The Top Of The Stairs / A Spiritual Memoir
The Top of the Stairs is a riveting biography chronicling the life and ministry of Rev. Joshua A McClure. This remarkable memoir touches the heart and mind as it traces the fascinating journey of a poor boy to a highly successful visionary and inspirational religious leader. Written with grace, humility and candor, the book describes the transformation of a shy, insecure, fearful young lad into a bold, passionate, confident, secure man. The impact of this significant gift to the body of Christ is immeasurable.
- A Wonder-FILLED Life
Are you one who is waiting for the Lord’s return, or for Him to take you home so that you can experience the rich and fulfilling life He promised? If your answer is yes, Joshua McClure’s A Wonder-Filled Life turns this entire concept on its head by challenging a belief amongst Christians that the life Christ is referring to is experienced in death. McClure contends that if we embrace the walk of God with childlike faith, we can experience kingdom living and its application here on earth, rather than in heaven. He asserts that Jesus offers abundant life—and that the Christian life with Jesus, when centered on the Gospel, becomes a life filled with His wonders—a manifestation of God’s wonderful love story